Sweet Summer Fetes

Don't let summer slip away without throwing a casual and delightful little party (or two)!  You know who's on the invitation list now you just need that spark of an idea or theme to get the creative process going!  Our shelves are loaded with books that have beautiful pictures to go along with the tasty recipes.  The books themselves are coffee table-worthy little beauties!Learn to create a little feast for the eyes as well as the appetite!  This is a helpful source for putting together all kinds of platters - both savory and sweet.  It's great for the specifics of how much of each item you'll need for each guest and for creative suggestions of foods that accent and/or compliment each other... and, of course,  lots of mouth-watering pics!Not just lemons - this is the source for those simple/fabulous recipes you put together to show off your effortless flair.  Full of future go-to entertaining meals!This beautifully illustrated guide provides the ideas and how-to details to create refreshing cocktails using fresh botanicals.  A real treat for summer entertaining!Here are a few of our current faves!  Drop by one of our shops and explore the creative possibilities!

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Start the season with sanity!

Small Business Saturday is our opportunity to thank all of our customers who have supported us for nearly ten years!  We'll have some sweet treats at each of our shops and a gift with each purchase.  If you, like us, are a list-maker who gets just a little satisfaction from checking off your accomplishments, this little notebook is for you - free with your purchase this Saturday!  It's just the vehicle you need to hold all your holiday lists:  gift lists (who's naughty, who's nice), shopping lists, card lists, wish lists, grocery lists...keep them all in your handy (and stylish) new little holiday notebook!  See, touch, smell and enjoy each of our shops, decked out for the holidays!  This is the very best way to find special little things for family, friends and yourself.  For those of us who like to choose from the full selection of holiday goodies, this is THE weekend!  Claim your holiday notebook and begin your seasonal sanity!

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Gifts for the Hostess - extrodinaire!

blog-post-hostessArrive at the party with something stylish and useful...something so beautiful if begs to be presented with just a bow and a tag {of course she'll want to know who to thank}.  All of these along with many more are available at our shops!  We love to give gifts with a purpose - something she'll use with joy and think of you fondly!

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