It's beginning to look a lot like...

I love this pic of Blake blissfully decorating his very own Christmas tree!  It embodies the feeling we are having as we put the final touches on our Christmas displays in Wallingford and our new shop in Burien!  We hope you'll find the time to stop by Wallingford now and the Burien shop soon!  So many happy surprises await you!

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Moving into Olde Burien

It's seems crazy to us but this photo was taken three years ago when we moved into our tiny Seahurst shop!  Now we are about to close this chapter and move on to our next adventure in Olde Burien - 901 SW 152nd!  We will be closed for a couple weeks while we {p a t i e n t l y} wait for our new home to be completed.  We have some really fun surprises in store so we know it will be worth the wait.  Please watch your emails for news of the Grand Opening Festivities!  Thanks to all for your support!  We look forward to seeing you in our new-to-us historic building!

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The worst-kept secret in town

Cue the countdown!  We are moving into Old Burien!  Here are (definitely) the "before" pics (lovely, right?) . We like to think of it as a clean canvas!!  Watch for big changes on the corner of SW152nd and Ninth Avenue SW.  We are super-excited to move to a larger and better location.  We'll have lots of room to stretch our "paper" borders and indulge our buying spree into some of our other obsessions...Keep an eye on our instagram (paperdelightsseahurst and paperdelights1) to see the posts as we progress.  We are hoping to be open by November (fingers crossed)!

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