Wear Orange for Gun Safety

20% for Every Town for Gun Safety

There's no looking away...it is now a constant in our lives.

I have been involved in the gun safety movement since the 90's when Alicia and her brother were in high school. I have marched, raised money, organized a group, demonstrated in Olympia, collected signatures, written letters, donated money, visited politicians...

Am I frustrated? YES. Am I defeated? NO!! A little voice in the back of my head keeps haunting with this:
Don't let this be the legacy that our generation leaves for our future generations.

VISIT: https://www.everytown.org/actions/ for some simple ways to make your voice heard.

VOTE: Check the gun safety record of every candidate before your give them your vote.

TODAY we are donating 20% of sales to Everytown for Gun Safety! We hope to see you soon


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