Bullet Journaling!

bullet-journal "...improved my physical and emotional health immensely.– Holt J., a committed Bullet Journaler.  This not-so-new format for combining your planner, to-do lists and journal is enjoying an analog comeback in the digital age!   If you find the notion of organizing your life this way intriguing, check out this website: http://bulletjournal.com for details.  While no specific journal format is required, the industry has responded to this demand with some new products including the two in this pic.  Both binding styles will behave and lay flat and have a little "hitch" to keep your pen on hand.  If you prefer something that is simply flat-out gorgeous (the added inspiration never hurts) you will find a lovely selection to choose from in our shops!  As we head into the holiday season, this just might the way to bring all the parts of your life together with a little sanity!  Give it a try!

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