Open Again!

Our new 2020 Burien T-shirt!

Such a tough couple of months...we are so hoping that all we have been through, the COVID-19 pandemic, the George Floyd tragedy and renewed demands for social justice for all, and the sunken economy will be the thing that brings us all together in a new and meaningful way. We feel hopeful. Re-opening the shop even under new limitations feels like one of the layers of gray has been lifted.

Our goal is to provide a little happy space where everyone is welcome. We have re-stocked our shelves with lively, fresh plants. Our 2020 Burien T-shirts arrived yesterday so all sizes are now is stock. Cards and gifts for 2020 graduates and for Dads are filling our shop. All we need now is to see your faces again.

We are so grateful to all of you that showed up for our weekend sales, participated in our "Window Shopping" promotion and made purchases through our website. These are the things that sustained us both financially and emotionally through the last few months. Thank you.


Summer Sale


Gifts for Mom