Getting Outside

BanderaTruly a breath of fresh air!  A mere one hour drive from home and we are hiking {uphill - puff, puff}  through beautiful forest and amazing wildflowers.  A short escape from the shop to the Little Bandera Mountain along I-90 - my favorite way to clear my head  and get inspired for a new week.  Bright red Indian Paintbrush, purple Alpine Lupin and hillsides covered with this Beargrass in its' full glory were among the lovely wildflowers we enjoyed along the way.  At the top of the ridge we are treated to this stunning spectacle of mountains on both sides, with Mt. Rainier floating above it all {just beneath the clouds}.  Returning from this mini-get-away, I can't wait to get back to the shop and work out a few new ideas!


Our Picnic Luncheon Bridal Shower


Outdoor inspiration